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Association humanitaire Un jour dans la



Association Un jour dan la vie tribes Ch


Sponsorship is long-term support that allows your godson to study peacefully. Thanks to you, he takes his way to school every morning and no longer works in the rice fields or in the street.
Sponsorship also makes it possible to concretely improve one's life and that of one's family.
A sponsored child is educated, fed and dressed. 


In order to best adapt to each situation encountered in the field, Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child offers 3 types of sponsorship.

You individually support a child of school, college or high school age.

You support a child individually so that he can have access to proper nutrition and hygiene.

Your support is both material and moral, through an exchange of letters.



Sponsorship is long-term support that allows your godson to study peacefully. Thanks to you, he takes his way to school every morning and no longer works in the rice fields or in the street.
Sponsorship also makes it possible to concretely improve one's life and that of one's family.
A sponsored child is educated, fed and dressed. 


In order to best adapt to each situation encountered in the field, Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child offers 3 types of sponsorship.

You individually support a child of school, college or high school age.

You support a child individually so that he can have access to proper nutrition and hygiene.

Your support is both material and moral, through an exchange of letters.

Chaiwochit Village Lahu By un jour dans la vie tribes child

Tytone 2 years

Tytone from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


Nichapon Village Lahu By Un jour dans le vie Tribes child_edited.jpg

Houa Houa 15 months

Houa Houa from the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

Chaiwochit Village Lahu By un jour dans la vie tribes child_edited.jpg

Omsine 13 months

Omsine of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom and dad.

Bank Village Lahu By Un jour dans le vie Tribes child_edited.jpg

Aom Tang 3 years old

Aom Tang from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

Teerapat Village Lahu By un jour dans la vie tribes child_edited_edited.jpg

Teerapat Saeyang 

Teerapat de la tribu Lahu,

à 1.30 heure de Chiang Mai dans un village très isolé, il n'y a pas de route pour y accéder.

Il vit avec ses parents

Doungdauen By Un jour dans la vie tribes child_edited.jpg

Bike 2 years

Bike from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

Cartoon est une enfant timide et effacée, souffrant de solitude, elle découvre une nouvell

Tytone 2 years

Tytone from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


oreiller happy box Un jour dans la vie tribes child.png

Houa Houa 15 months

Houa Houa from the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

Nam kin une enfant élevée par une maman seule, tres pauvre, elle est vive elle pétille d'i

Omsine 13 months

Omsine of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom and dad.

Bank Village Lahu By Un jour dans le vie Tribes child_edited.jpg

Aom Tang 3 years old

Aom Tang from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

Orrapin Yabo By Un jour dans la vie tribes child

Orrapin Yabo 

Orrapin de la tribu Lahu,

à 1.30 heure de Chiang Mai dans un village très isolé, il n'y a pas de route pour y accéder.

Elle vit avec ses parents

Parrainée par Fabrice septembre 2022

Nathicha Village Lahu By un jour dans la vie tribes child

Bike 2 years

Bike from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 


Tytone 2 years

Tytone from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


SNACK Une montagne de gentillesse, il aime dessiner et dit que quand il fait de l'art il s

Houa Houa 15 months

Houa Houa from the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

ASIE 9 ANS .jpeg

Omsine 13 months

Omsine of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom and dad.

NAMPAN 8 ans.jpeg

Aom Tang 3 years old

Aom Tang from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

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Tooto 24 mois

Tooto de la tribu Khamu, vit au village de Houai Eia à 15km de la frontière du Laos. 

Parrainé par Pailette Jusque Juin 2022

Nouvelle marraine Annie en juillet 2022  


Baï Village Lahu By Un jour dans le vie Tribes child_edited_edited.jpg

Bike 2 years

Bike from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

NENO 9 ans.jpeg

Tytone 2 years

Tytone from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


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Houa Houa 15 months

Houa Houa from the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

LISSA 2.jpeg

Omsine 13 months

Omsine of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom and dad.


Aom Tang 3 years old

Aom Tang from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

BAM BAM 3ans -.jpg

Bam Bam 3 years

Bam Bam from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. Coming from an extremely poor family.

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Bike 2 years

Bike from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

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Tytone 2 years

Tytone from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


Houa Houa 15 mois

Houa Houa 15 months

Houa Houa from the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

Omsine 13 mois

Omsine 13 months

Omsine of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom and dad.

Koungnang 2 ans .jpeg

Koungnang 2 years

Koungnang of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his grandmother.

Her parents having abandoned her


Sponsored  June 23, 2021

Godmother Caroline



Shogun from the Karen tribe, lives with his parents and his little brother, near the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. He learned to read and write Thai and the basics of English at school. He lives in a harmonious, but poor family.


Koun 3 years

Koun from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

This only has work in the fields as a resource. Their house is dilapidated without water.

DREAM ME 3 ans .jpeg

Dream Me 3 years

Dream Me from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

KARAMEL 2ans 1/2.jpeg

Karamel 2 1/2  years

Karamel from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

LENA 2ans.jpeg

Lena 3 years old

Lena from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. Coming from a very poor family.

NI CHA 3 ans.jpeg

Ni Cha 3 years

Ni Cha from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. 

PAO 03ans.jpeg

Pao 3 years 

Pao from the Karen tribe, lives in the village of wang luang in the province of Phrae. Coming from an extremely poor family.



Nano from the Lanna Thai tribe, lives with her mother in the village of wang luang village in the province of Phrae. It is a family in great distress (domestic violence).



Sponsored by the association

January 26, 2021

Godmother of  ❤️ Marie  

and Estelle  ❤️

po piang 6.jpeg

Nathideth 7 years old 

Nathideth from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eia 15km from the Laos border.

SONGKRAN 4 ans Association Un jour dans

Songkhram 4 years 

Songkhram from the Khamu tribe, lives with his parents, brother and sister in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


Khom 9 months

Khom of the Khamu tribe,

lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. He lives with his mom.

This only has work in the fields as a resource. Their house is dilapidated without water.


Sponsored  March 25, 2021

Godmother Amélie

Sutiwat 6 ans Association Un jour dans l

Sutiwat 6  years

Sutiwat of the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Her family lives in extreme poverty.

Asia 3.jpg

Asia 7 months

Asia is Thai and lives in Khon Kaen with her mom and dad, both unemployed. The mother is still a student at the university.

Sponsored January 29, 2021

Godmother Paillette


Yo 4 years old

Yo from the Khamu tribe, lives with her daddy  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.  

Their only resource is the coffee and rice harvest

Sponsored December 11, 2020

Godfather Johann


Soda 3 years

Soda from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. With his brother Ford and his dad. Their mother abandoned them two years ago. Their house was badly damaged during the last storm

Sponsored on November 16, 2020

Godmother Yolande

Ford 7 ans Un jour dans la vie Tribes Ch

Ford 7 years

Ford of the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. With her sister Soda and her daddy. Their mother abandoned them two years ago. Their house was badly damaged during the last storm.

Sponsored January 25, 2021

Godmother Marie


Yim  6  month

Yim from the Khamu tribe, lives with his mother in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

She lives from work in the fields and looks for food and gathering in the forest.


Sponsored on December 04, 2020

Godfather Kevin


Krit  7  years

Krit from the Khamu tribe, lives alone with his dad in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. His little brother recently died from electrocution. He and his dad work in the fields.

Sponsored on November 9, 2020

Godmother Maïmiti


Hong 17 ans Un jour dans la vie Tribes C

Hong 17 years old

Hong lives in Khon Kaen in a boarding school, far from his family.

She studies applied arts at university


Pong 5 years 

Pong from the Karen tribe, lives in a small, very remote village in the Chiang Mai region.  



Sponsored October 29, 2020

Godmother Myriam

PONG 35 MOIS copie.jpeg

Pong 3  years

Pong from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

Sponsored July 18, 2021

Godmother Vanessa

Lamaï 20 mois Ko Samui Association Un jo

Llama 20  month

Lamaï lives in Ko Samui, with his parents in great precariousness.

SOS Ko Samui

Sponsored on December 4, 2020

Godmother Emilie

MAMCHA 4 ANS Association un jour dans la

Mamcha 4  years

Mamcha from the Khamu tribe, lives with her parents  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.  

Their only resource is the rubber plantation


Fun 8  years

Fun from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.


FY 1.jpeg

Fy 6  years

Fy  from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

KIP 1.jpeg

Kip 5 years 

Kip from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

Mina 3 ans Association un jour dans la v

Mina 3 years old

Mina from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

LANNA 2.jpeg

Lana  7 years 

Lana from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

Méta 3ans Association un jour dans la vi

Meta 3 years

Meta of the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

cake 11 ans.jpeg

Cake 11 years

Cake from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the border of Laos.

The family works in the fields.

Sponsored July 28, 2021

Godmother Cyrille


Boy 6 ans.jpeg

Boy 6  years

Boy from Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

Bell 12ans.jpeg

Bell 12  years 

Bell of the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.

Yoot 3 ans Association Un jour dans la v

Yoot 3 years old

Yoot from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

He lives with his mother and his 2 brothers

The family is extremely poor.  

Sponsored on December 10, 2020

Godmother Ginou

Parita 7 ans Association Un jour dans la

Parita 7 years old 

Parita, lives in an orphanage, she no longer has a family.  

Ya 15 ans Association Un jour dans la vi

Ya 15  years 

Ya from the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

He comes from an extremely poor family and lives with his mother and 2 brothers.


Atapon 5 years

Atapon of the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

The family works in the fields.



Kalsuda 11  years

Kalsuda, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Akarin 7 ans Association Un jour dans la

Akarin 7  years

Akarin of the Khamu tribe, lives  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Her family lives in extreme poverty.

Phane 8 ans Association Un jour dans la

 Phane 8  years

Phane from the Khamu tribe, lives with his mother and two sisters, in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border. 

FOUEN .jpg

Anuwat 3  years 

Anuwat from the Khamu tribe, lives with his parents, from an extremely poor family.  


Lib 10  years 

Lib from the Khamu tribe, lives with his family and his 2 brothers in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

He comes from an extremely poor family.

PINE 9 ANS 10:06:2555 Association Un jou

Pine 9  years 

Pine of the Khamu tribe, lives with his  mother and her two sisters, in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border.

Karaked 8 ans Association Un jour dans l

Karaked  8 years

Karaked from the tribe Khamu, lives with his mother in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Kawisara 11 ans Association Un jou rdans

Kawisara 11  years

Kawisara from the Khamu tribe, lives with his grandparents in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

NATCHA 1.jpeg

Natcha  6  years

Natcha from the Khamu tribe, lives with her dad in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

YU 8 ANS Association Un jour dans la vie

Yu 8 years old 

Yu from the Khamu tribe, lives with his dad and his little sister, from an extremely poor family.  

Rakchat 7 ans Association un jour dans l

 Rakchat  7  years

Rakchat from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Pong Anan Association Un jour dans la vi

Pong anan 

Pong Anan from the Khamu tribe, lives with his large paretns in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

We do not know his date of birth.


Maen 5 ans Association Un jour dans la v

Maen 5  years

Maen from the Khamu tribe, lives with her dad in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Sponsored on February 20, 2021

Godmother Gaëlle


8-year-old phongsathon 

Khamu tribe phongsathon, lives with his grandparents  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border. Her family is very poor.

Nattacharaphon 10 ans Association Un jou


10 years 

Nattacharaphon from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eia 15km from the Laos border.

Pongpat 11 ans Association Un jour dans

Pongpat 11  years

Pongpat from the Khamu tribe, lives with his mother and his 2 brothers in great poverty, in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border.

Phayu 8 ans Association Un jour dans la

Phayu  8  years 

Phayu from the Khamu tribe, lives with his father and his stepmother  in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.


Tooto 6 months

Wanisara 7ans Association Un jour dans l

Wanisara 7 years old 

Wanisara  from the Khamu tribe, lives with his grandparents, in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border.

Pik 9 ans Association Un jour dans la vi

Pik 9 years old 

Natcha from the Khamu tribe, lives with her mother, her brother and her sister in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border.

PAAMI 2 ANS 02:01:62 Association un jour

Paami 2 years

JIARYU 9 ANS Association un jour dans la

Jiayru 9  years 

Jiayru from the tribe Khamu, lives in extreme poverty, in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border. 

Suchawadee 10 ans Association Un jour da

Suchawadee10  years 

Suchawadee from the Khamu tribe, lives in the village of Houai Eian 15km from the Laos border.

Paami from the Khamu tribe, lives with his parents and two sisters in the village of Houai Eian, 15km from the Laos border.


Guide du parrain un jour dans la vie tri

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to visit your godson!

If you have the chance to come to Thailand, do not miss this wonderful meeting!

We can organize your trip in collaboration with our sponsors Thailand Evasion agency

It's a great way to see the impact of your sponsorship, and get to know your godson better. For your godson, this is an unexpected opportunity to understand who his godfather is, and to understand the importance he has in your eyes!

We reserve you wonderful moments with your godson, an immersion in the heart of the local culture!

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Association Un jour dan la vie tribes Ch

Donate now, directly online through HelloAsso by clicking on the button below. HelloAsso accepts all credit cards while ensuring the confidentiality and security of your transaction.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

CHECK: Send a check payable to "Association Un Jour dans la vie" to the following address:

118/130 Avenue Jean Jaurès

97171 Paris cedex 19

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The importance of equity, as opposed to external funds, acquired from donors or corporate foundations, for example, guarantees Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child its independence and financial soundness.

It is these long-term commitments that allow us to plan our actions, develop our programs and therefore be more effective. We ask as a priority to give us by direct debit or direct transfer when possible, in order to simplify our management and reduce our costs.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Tax reduction:

66% of the annual amounts donated to A Day in the Life Tribes Child can be deducted from your taxes.
For example, if you give 15 euros per month, that is 180 euros per year, it actually costs you only 62 euros.
A Day in the Life Tribes Child is empowered to issue a tax receipt. It is sent to our donors in the first quarter following the year of their contribution.



Address: 118/130 Avenue Jean Jaurès

97171 Paris cedex 19

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Phone: +66 915 73 595

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Address :

In the premises of Thailand Evasion

"A Day in the Life Tribes Child"

68/9 Moo4 Tambon Namuang

84140 Koh Samui - Surat Thani - Thailand


Mae Yao - Mueang - 57100 Chiang Rai

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Opening time (Thai time):

Monday to Saturday 10 am-5pm

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Association Un jour dans la vie tribes c

© 2020 A DAY IN THE LIFE TRIBES CHILD. All rights reserved, association law 1901, sponsored by Thaïland Evasion

Photo credits: Emmanuel Pervé - A day in the life Tribes Child | Privacy policy

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