Poor and suffering children can be models of responsibility for their tribes and their country.
Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child's mission is to educate, train and support the children and young people of the tribes, in order to enable them to improve their material living conditions and to build themselves,
intellectually, emotionally and morally.
Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child supports children as far as possible according to their abilities and desires and supports them until their professional integration.
Our values
Respect for the human person, whatever their condition, culture or religion
The meeting, the exchange, the bond that is woven from person to person
Concrete, humble action
Long-term loyalty
Passing on the values of One Day in the Life Tribes Child
Educational project adapted to each age
A ccompagnement to vocational guidance
Follow-up from primary school to working life
No substitution for the family or the education system
Collaboration with schools and local partners for monitoring and identifying needs

The educational actions that we carry out are long-term and we are committed to getting involved with each child, to support him as far as possible in his journey.
We encourage the children and young people we support to be determined in their choice, to give themselves the means to access a better life.
Our interventions in the tribes of northern Thailand and in other regions are carried out with respect for people, their culture and their environment.
This value also underlies the support we offer our beneficiaries, starting with respect for themselves.
We fully assume our responsibility in the implementation of our actions and programs:
responsibility vis-à-vis
of our beneficiaries and their families, of the Thai local authorities where we work, of donors and funders.
We wish to transmit this notion of responsibility to our beneficiaries, so that they feel fully involved in their lives and
this, despite the daily difficulties they face.

Donate now, directly online through HelloAsso by clicking on the button below. HelloAsso accepts all credit cards while ensuring the confidentiality and security of your transaction.
CHECK: Send a check payable to "Association Un Jour dans la vie" to the following address:
118/130 Avenue Jean Jaurès
97171 Paris cedex 19
The importance of equity, as opposed to external funds, acquired from donors or corporate foundations, for example, guarantees Un jour dans la vie Tribes Child its independence and financial soundness.
It is these long-term commitments that allow us to plan our actions, develop our programs and therefore be more effective. We ask as a priority to give us by direct debit or direct transfer when possible, in order to simplify our management and reduce our costs.
Tax reduction:
66% of the annual amounts donated to A Day in the Life Tribes Child can be deducted from your taxes.
For example, if you give 15 euros per month, that is 180 euros per year, it actually costs you only 62 euros.
A Day in the Life Tribes Child is empowered to issue a tax receipt. It is sent to our donors in the first quarter following the year of their contribution.